Dan Carrell on Chelsea Manning

Sir John:


This is just a short email to express my strong support of the emails sent to you earlier this week by Michael Tselentis, David Satter, and other Rhodes Scholars urging the Trustees of the Rhodes Trust to withdraw the misguided invitation to Chelsea Manning (fka Bradley Manning) to participate in the Rhodes Forum on technology scheduled for November.  Given Manning’s conduct while in the U.S. Army, leading to violations of the Espionage Act and other legal standards, I was deeply saddened not only to learn of the invitation, but to realize that earlier it was even considered a possibility.


I too urge the Trustees to take the necessary steps to have the invitation withdrawn, thereby acting in a manner consistent with the standards exhibited in the Will of Cecil Rhodes. 


-- Dan Carrell

(North Carolina and Merton 1963)


Elizebeth Kiss responds to objections to Chelsea Manning.


David Satter: New Letter to Sir John Bell on Chelsea Manning.