The Alliance of Rhodes Scholars is as 501c3 charitable organization made up of former Rhodes Scholars that is dedicated to restoring the Rhodes Scholarship to its traditional eminence on the basis of the principles enunciated in the will of the founder, Cecil Rhodes.
David Satter
David Satter, Illinois and Balliol '68, is a former Moscow correspondent and the author of “Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union” and other books on Russia and the former Soviet Union.
Dennis Blair
Dennis Blair, Virginia and Worcester '68, is a retired US Navy Admiral who was appointed by President Obama as Director of National Intelligence.
The Alliance of Rhodes Scholars Inc.
c/o David Satter
5331 Nevada Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20015
Email: satter.david@gmail.com
Please make a check out to: The Alliance of Rhodes Scholars Inc.
Send it to The Alliance of Rhodes Scholars, Inc., 5331 Nevada Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20015